
Posts Tagged ‘social media’

With the recent unrest in the Middle East, it’s important to recognize the role of social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Still in their relative infancy, these two networks allow you to catch up with old friends and create new ones.  They also allow people the world over a way to communicate in ways previously unimaginable.  Individuals and governments realize the importance of staying connected through these networks.  Having these networks open is tantamount to an open and free society.

Facebook and Twitter feeds, constantly updated, were the reason that so many were able to quickly organize and demonstrate in Tarir Square.

And this is just the beginning.  As we learn more about the media that connects us, we will be able to use them in ever more meaningful ways.

What are the most effective or impressive ways that you’ve seen social media used in recent years?  What have we done, politically, scientifically, or creatively, that we could not have done without these new technologies?

On the other hand, as many of you will be checking your facebook messages  and tweeting almost every 10 minutes, do you think that the social media websites are using up a lot of your precious time? How do they affect your daily routine and worklife?

– Justin H.S. Breaux

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